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Korean Influence on Early Japanese Buddhism. Not a systematic study, but rather a "sketch" of the key contributions of Korean monks, artisans, and specialists to early Japanese Buddhist doctrine, art, and architecture. 30 Photos.
DOORS IN KOREA. Doors hold a special fascination for me. Writes Isaac Asimov in Words from the Myths: "There is a month involving Janus who was the Roman god of doors, to begin with. He therefore became the god who presided over beginnings (entrance through a door) and endings (exit by a door). He was usually pictured with two faces, one looking forward and one backward. The first month of the year is a time for beginning a new year and ending the old. We still celebrate it as a time for looking sentimentally at the past and hopefully toward the future. So it is named for Janus and called 'January.' And, of course, a man who is in charge of the doors of a building and of other parts of it, as well, is a 'janitor.' <end quote, pp. 71-72>
PHOTO CREDITS. All photos by Mark Schumacher (unless stated otherwise). Taken during a conference, meditation retreat, and tour related to Kanhwa Sŏn 看話禪 and Hwadu 話頭 meditative techniques (the Korean counterpart of Zen Kōan meditation). The event took place in Korea between June 23 and July 3, 2012. It was organized by the Center for the Study of the Chogye Order (Chonghak Yŏn'guwŏn) at Dongguk University. Participants included advanced graduate students, professors, and independent scholars in Korean Religions and Buddhist Studies. The retreat was held at Magoksa Temple, a few hours south of Seoul. If you would like to submit your own photo(s) for inclusion here (with credits to you), please contact me. If you have a Facebook account, you can also post your photos at the Korea Kanhwa Sŏn Facebook Group Page.